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ASPE Member Spotlight: Steven Savich

By Rebekah Weidner posted 09-12-2023 16:35


What is your current position? What is your area of focus?  
My current position is plumbing project manager and lead plumbing designer. My main areas of focus are laboratory and healthcare design.

What are your career journey highlights?

  1. Started in the MEPF consulting industry as an energy analyst and CAD operator in 2004.
  2. Moved into plumbing design in 2008 as a junior designer.
  3. Passed the CPD exam in 2015.
  4. Became head of the Systems West plumbing design department in 2020.
  5. Became an associate principal in 2020.

What motivated you to get into the plumbing engineering industry?
I was motivated by the sustainability aspects, the water/energy nexus. I also find that designing for laboratories is highly interesting. It stimulates my inner science nerd!

What is the most exciting or rewarding aspect of your work?
Renovating existing buildings is personally rewarding. It allows that building to see another 50 years (or more) of life and serve future generations.

What value have you gained from participation in ASPE Connect?
It's a great place to ask experts in the field questions and see how other Engineers and Designers would approach the same problems. Often there is a consensus answer but for some things there are multiple possible approaches that can get to the same place.

What has been your most interesting plumbing design challenge?
The most interesting plumbing challenge I've encountered is designing laboratory gas and cryogenic fluid manifolds and distribution systems for a laboratory building.

What is your favorite hobby or pastime outside of work? 
Outside of work, you can find me bike riding or enjoying a good book.

